In recent years Samurai have been tackling the enormous challenge of reviving and growing an ancient strain of cotton in Sasayama city, Hyogo prefecture with the aim of producing high–quality clothing that is “100% Made in Japan” from seed to fabric to finished garment. With the generous help of the local community this dream is becoming a reality, and since 2020 they have been releasing denim and cut–and–sew items that contain a percentage of our own hand–harvested, local organic cotton. Although this is by no means an easy project, they are committed to forging ahead without compromise, and we will pass these lost techniques on to future generations while also continuing in the invigoration of the area itself.
This project started with the dream of creating things 100% organically and domestically with their very own hands. The cotton would be grown and hand–harvested by them and then used to make the highest–quality clothing possible. It sounds like a simple enough idea, but it’s extremely difficult in practice.
Their fields are also teeming with mammal, reptile, and insect life of all kinds.